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Annual Membership Meeting – Recap

Annual Membership Meeting – Recap

Thank you to all those able to join our annual membership meeting in person this year!

We met on Thursday, March 13th at Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales + Kitchen in Dexter to talk about what we’ve accomplished in 2024 and what’s coming for 2025. We had a nice turnout and enjoyed time to meet face to face. Click here to view the presentation that was shared. 

Volunteer Opportunities

We continue to look for volunteers for trail maintenance and adoption, trail coordination and board membership. See the presentation for more on these opportunities.

Additionally, we are looking to evolve our social media outreach – if you have ideas or want to help, let us know by emailing

Trail Work Days

Interested in getting involved in trail days at… 

DTE: Look for events on the DTE Trailwork Society Facebook page. These events are largely weather-dependent and will be scheduled in the days leading up to the work day. 

Brighton Rec: Look for events on the Brighton Rec Mountain Bike Trails Facebook page. Two days have already been posted.

2025 Poto MBA Events – Save the Dates* 

May 17 – J Tree Skillz Clinic @ DTE

May 31 – Poto MBA Skills Clinic @ Brighton Rec (sign up on BikeReg coming soon) 

September 12 and 13 – Triple Trail Challenge

October 11-12 – MISCA race @ Heritage Park

October 25 – Batman Ride @ Pinckney Recreation Area

November 28 – Black Friday Ride @ Rolling Hills County Park in Ypsilanti

*Additional events and links to Facebook events will be posted as finalized

Interested in making a financial donation to Poto MBA? Contribute here. PotoMBA is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor.        

Stay Connected:

PotoMBA Website

PotoMBA Facebook Page

PotoMBA Group Discussion

DTE Energy Foundation Trail Website

SE Michigan Trail Conditions

Join or renew your membership with the Potawatomi Mountain Biking Association today. We build and maintain the local trails that we all love to ride. Click here to join Poto MBA. 

Join us March 13 at Jolly Pumpkin in Dexter for the Annual Membership Meeting

We are excited to host our annual membership meeting in person this year!

Join us on Thursday, March 13th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales + Kitchen in Dexter.

We have a lot of great things happening with mountain biking in the Poto chapter. Come hear about key highlights of our trails including 2024 accomplishments and where we are headed in 2025 including completion of Phase 1 of the Poto Revitalization Project. Enjoy the opportunity to meet and connect face to face with fellow Poto MBA members.

The membership meeting will take place in the backroom of Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales + Kitchen in Dexter Michigan (2319 Bishop Cir E, Dexter, MI 48130).

2025 Poto MBA Events – Save the Dates* 

March 13 – Poto Membership meeting – In person at Jolly Pumpkin (Dexter) 7-9pm

May 17 – J Tree Skillz Clinic @ DTE

May 31 – Poto MBA Skills Clinic @ Brighton Rec (sign up on BikeReg) 

September 12 and 13 – Triple Trail Challenge

October 11-12 – MISCA race @ Heritage Park

October 25 – Batman Ride @ Pinckney Recreation Area

November 28 – Black Friday Ride @ Rolling Hills County Park in Ypsilanti

*Additional events and links to Facebook events will be posted as finalized
Interested in making a financial donation to Poto MBA? Contribute here. PotoMBA is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor.   

Annual Membership Meeting – Join us March 13 at Jolly Pumpkin

We are excited to host our annual membership meeting in person this year!

Join us on Thursday, March 13th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales + Kitchen in Dexter.

We have a lot of great things happening with mountain biking in the Poto chapter. Come hear about key highlights of our trails including 2024 accomplishments and where we are headed in 2025 including completion of Phase 1 of the Poto Revitalization Project. Enjoy the opportunity to meet and connect face to face with fellow Poto MBA members.

The event will take place in the backroom of Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales + Kitchen in Dexter Michigan (2319 Bishop Cir E, Dexter, MI 48130).

2025 Poto MBA Events – Save the Dates* 

March 13 – Poto Membership meeting – In person at Jolly Pumpkin (Dexter) 7-9pm

September 12 and 13 – Triple Trail Challenge

October 25 – Batman Ride

November 28 – Black Friday Ride

*Additional events and links to Facebook events will be posted as finalized

Calling all mountain bikers and friends of mountain bikers

The DNR is asking for your input on the future of Waterloo Recreation Area, and they want to hear from YOU! They’re developing a 10-year plan for the park, and mountain bike trails are a key part of the discussion. Here’s how you can make your voice heard:

Attend the meeting! The DNR is hosting a public meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 22nd from 5:30-7:00 pm at the Eddy Discovery Center (17030 Bush Road, Chelsea). Let them know you’re in favor of building more trails at the former old gravel pit and the former Cassidy Prison site.

Fill out the online survey! The survey closes on Jan. 24th. Be sure to select the checkboxes for these actions:

  • Develop a mountain bike trail loop and beginner skills course in the old gravel pit site.
  • Resolve Pinckney Waterloo trail erosion and drainage issues.

Want to see trails in the former Cassidy Prison site? The survey has a section for “Should any actions be added to the list?” Let the DNR know your thoughts!


Get more info!

Phase 2 General Management Plan info:

Let’s work together to make Waterloo Rec even better for cyclists!

December Newsletter

Thank you and log your 2024 volunteer hours!

Thank you to all of our members and sponsors for your support in 2024. And a few special thanks…

Thank you Jason Jones

The PotoMBA Board would like to thank Jason Jones for his 30 years of service to mountain biking. He has been integral in his advocacy of mountain biking throughout the state and locally. He has had a huge impact on our chapter with the best representation being bringing the DTE Energy Foundation Trail to life.  Learn more about Jason’s contribution by reviewing his “Thirty and Out” Facebook post.  Thank you Jason for your dedication and all you have done. Enjoy your new adventures!

Thank you Ann Arbor Velo Club

Work will continue as weather permits this spring on the Poto Revitalization Project. We are still accepting donations. The more we raise, the more we can do! Big thanks to the Ann Arbor Velo Club for their generous donation of $5,000 this year dedicated to the Poto Project!!

Volunteered? We want to recognize YOU! Log your hours today.

Did you volunteer for Poto chapter activities this year? Whether it is trail work, prepping/preparing/transporting equipment, advocacy, fundraising, map making, volunteering at TTC or other events, administrative work, building changing stations…we would like to capture that time.

Our land managers periodically ask for our volunteer contributions to the trails. Logging volunteer hours helps us with these relationships, showing our Poto MBA dedication to the trails and can enable new trail opportunities for the Poto MBA as we saw with the opening of the Poto-DTE Connector last year. 

We are continuing our volunteer recognition program and will be hosting a volunteer recognition event in February. Be sure to log your hours on the Google form linked below, back to January 2024, no later than December 31st

Log your volunteer hours here. And thank you for your time in supporting our chapter and trails!

Batman and Black Friday Rides

We had a great turnout at both rides this year. 2”+ of snow hit the Black Friday Ride, but it didn’t slow the singletrack and gravel riders. Thank you to Wheels in Motion for your sponsorship of the Black Friday Ride.

2025 Poto MBA Events – Save the Dates* 

January 11 (or January 18 – backup date) Abominable Snowman Ride @ Pinckney Recreation Area

March 13 – Poto Membership meeting (In-person!)

September 12 and 13 – Triple Trail Challenge

October 15 – Batman Ride

November 28 – Black Friday Ride

*Additional events and links to Facebook events will be posted as finalized

Interested in making a financial donation to Poto MBA? Contribute here. PotoMBA is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor.        

Stay Connected:

PotoMBA Website

PotoMBA Facebook Page

PotoMBA Group Discussion

DTE Energy Foundation Trail Website

SE Michigan Trail Conditions

Join or renew your membership with the Potawatomi Mountain Biking Association today. We build and maintain the local trails that we all love to ride. Click here to join Poto MBA. 

Adopt-a-Trail-Segment Program

Adopt-a-Trail-Segment Program is reopening! Learn more about the program and sign up to adopt a trail section in the link below. Spots are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Just like adopting a pet from the Humane Society, be sure you’re committed to caring for your trail section!

Thanks in advance to all of our great volunteers who help make DTE one of the best trails around!

New Poto jerseys are now available!

There are four styles and two colors to choose from, in both men’s and women’s sizing. $15 from each jersey sale goes back to the Poto MBA.

Jerseys are custom made to order, so please place your order by November 12.

These are custom made to order and will ship directly to you. We will not have extra jerseys for sale or exchange. The standard quote time for custom orders is 8 weeks.

All orders must be placed by November 12, 2023. Order your Poto Jersey here
(Note: You will need to create an account to view 
the jersey page.)

Triple Trail Challenge – Order Merchandise by August 16th

Register today for Triple Trail Challenge 2023!

Tree Fort Bikes and the Potawatomi Mountain Biking Association are proud to present the 2023 Triple Trail Challenge!  Riders will experience nearly 50 miles of SE Michigan’s premier single-track combined with scenic gravel roads, all nestled in the heart of the Waterloo-Pinckney State Recreation Area. Ride it all or try a shorter loop.

Similar to last year, this year’s Triple Trail Challenge is a 2-day, pre-register only event. You can ride on Friday, September 15 or Saturday, September 16 or both!  The rain date is September 17th. This non-competitive ride is capped at 700 riders, so register early!  

Entry to the event is $40 and is pre-register ONLY. There will be no day of registration! You will receive a number plate for your bike and a wristband which is required for entry to the beer garden. Proceeds and donations from TTC 2023 will help fund the Poto Revitalization Project.

Register for 2023 Triple Trail Challenge here

Registration includes a course map, an aid station stocked with food, hydration and mechanical support, AND an entry to the after party. The aid station and after party will take place on Saturday only (rain date Sunday the 17th).  The aid station, post ride food, swag, and entertainment are provided by Tree Fort Bikes.  Local craft beer from Wolverine State Brewing Co. will be available for $5 per glass. 

Pre-order merchandise by August 16th at midnight

TTC logo pint glasses and men’s and women’s event T-shirts (see below) are available by pre-order only here! Pint glasses are $15, and t-shirts are $30. 

Packet pickup

Number plates, wrist bands and pre-ordered merchandise can be picked up at Tree Fort Bikes 1866 Whittaker Rd. Ypsilanti from September 11th to 15th. We will also have a pickup station one night only at Wolverine State Brewing Co., 2019 W. Stadium Blvd in Ann Arbor. Look for the Poto MBA tent in the parking lot on Thursday, September 14th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. 

The Route

The route will be similar to last year, using the connector as a one way trail, paved path to the Waterloo hiking trail at Green Lake/M-52 to Bush Rd./ McClure Rd. into Sugar trail, then the return route. Be aware that trails may run through areas open to hunting, so orange or bright colors are recommended.

The after party is held on the picturesque shore of the Silver Lake swimming area. You can take a refreshing dip in the lake and hang out! Each trail has a unique character. Poto is known for its “old school”, technical climbs and descents, and that big loop trail design that makes you feel like you’re far away from everything. The Waterloo-Pinckney hiking trail is a rare sight for riders and will allow you to experience the rustic beauty of the recreation area that might otherwise go unseen. Then roll on to the flow of Michigan’s “Dirt Roller Coaster”. The DTE Energy Foundation Trail is full of sculpted berms, rollers, jumps and rock piles that will have you grinning and feeling like a kid again. 

You and your friends can challenge yourself with a full-on epic adventure or scale it down to one of the shorter loop options. 

Triple Trail Challenge is the single largest fund-raiser for the Poto MBA, so register today! More info about Triple Trail Challenge can be found here:

Membership promotion – Join or renew your IMBA membership with auto renew at 2023 TTC and you will receive a free limited edition Poto pint glass. 

Triple Trail Volunteers Needed!We need your help! For this event to run smoothly, we need many volunteers during TTC and beforehand. A little of your time can go a long way! You can volunteer and still do the ride. Sign up for one of the many flexible volunteer options on Sept. 16 here or to help with handing out merchandise and registration packets at Wolverine State Brewing on Sept. 14th here.

Bike Skills Clinic at Brighton Recreation Area

Potawatomi Mountain Bike Association will be hosting a mountain bike skills clinic the weekend of June 3-4th at Brighton Recreation Area. The clinic will run Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 am to 4 pm. You can sign up for Saturday or Sunday or BOTH. Two clinics on Saturday and one on Sunday will help you improve your skills! Cost is $150 dollar per day. Space is limited so sign up today! 

Saturday’s 9:30 am to 4 pm Tech Clinic will focus on the skills necessary to navigate technical trail features. We’ll start with some building blocks and then move into our other topics of slow speed maneuvers, navigating up and down steep features, high speed cornering, and technical climbing and descending.

Sunday’s All Day Air Clinic

This clinic will focus on getting your wheels off the ground (safely). The morning will start with some building blocks and then move into drops practice followed by jumps. Most of the day will be spent off trail on ramps and will be progression focused.

To sign up click here:–4

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