Thank you and log your 2024 volunteer hours!

Thank you to all of our members and sponsors for your support in 2024. And a few special thanks…

Thank you Jason Jones

The PotoMBA Board would like to thank Jason Jones for his 30 years of service to mountain biking. He has been integral in his advocacy of mountain biking throughout the state and locally. He has had a huge impact on our chapter with the best representation being bringing the DTE Energy Foundation Trail to life.  Learn more about Jason’s contribution by reviewing his “Thirty and Out” Facebook post.  Thank you Jason for your dedication and all you have done. Enjoy your new adventures!

Thank you Ann Arbor Velo Club

Work will continue as weather permits this spring on the Poto Revitalization Project. We are still accepting donations. The more we raise, the more we can do! Big thanks to the Ann Arbor Velo Club for their generous donation of $5,000 this year dedicated to the Poto Project!!

Volunteered? We want to recognize YOU! Log your hours today.

Did you volunteer for Poto chapter activities this year? Whether it is trail work, prepping/preparing/transporting equipment, advocacy, fundraising, map making, volunteering at TTC or other events, administrative work, building changing stations…we would like to capture that time.

Our land managers periodically ask for our volunteer contributions to the trails. Logging volunteer hours helps us with these relationships, showing our Poto MBA dedication to the trails and can enable new trail opportunities for the Poto MBA as we saw with the opening of the Poto-DTE Connector last year. 

We are continuing our volunteer recognition program and will be hosting a volunteer recognition event in February. Be sure to log your hours on the Google form linked below, back to January 2024, no later than December 31st

Log your volunteer hours here. And thank you for your time in supporting our chapter and trails!

Batman and Black Friday Rides

We had a great turnout at both rides this year. 2”+ of snow hit the Black Friday Ride, but it didn’t slow the singletrack and gravel riders. Thank you to Wheels in Motion for your sponsorship of the Black Friday Ride.

2025 Poto MBA Events – Save the Dates* 

January 11 (or January 18 – backup date) Abominable Snowman Ride @ Pinckney Recreation Area

March 13 – Poto Membership meeting (In-person!)

September 12 and 13 – Triple Trail Challenge

October 15 – Batman Ride

November 28 – Black Friday Ride

*Additional events and links to Facebook events will be posted as finalized

Interested in making a financial donation to Poto MBA? Contribute here. PotoMBA is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor.        

Stay Connected:

PotoMBA Website

PotoMBA Facebook Page

PotoMBA Group Discussion

DTE Energy Foundation Trail Website

SE Michigan Trail Conditions

Join or renew your membership with the Potawatomi Mountain Biking Association today. We build and maintain the local trails that we all love to ride. Click here to join Poto MBA.