Interested in joining a unique group of volunteers within the Potawatomi Chapter?
Consider becoming a Mountain Bike Patroller or Host and:
- Ride the trails regularly
- Assist in medical and mechanical emergencies
- Monitor trail conditions and inform land managers, land owners, and trail users
- Educate trail users of proper etiquette
- Volunteer at races and trail events
Patrollers / Hosts receive first aid training through the National Ski Patrol Bike Patrol Program, with the option to become a Bike Patroller or Bike Host dependent on level of training.
To find out more about the NSP Bike Patrol program visit :
- Patrol Membership FAQ’s
- Contact Us –

Bike Patrol Membership FAQ’S
A question we get asked a good bit is, “How much will this cost me?” To try and give you a good idea we have broken down the costs associated with being a Bike Patroller / Host.
Poto MBA Membership
POTO MBA Dues /Yearly
- Annual membership fees start at $39.00
To find out more about Potawatomi MBA membership visit :
NSP Membership
National Ski Patrol Dues / Yearly
- NSP National Dues = $60.00
- NSP Division Dues = $10.00
- NSP Region Dues = $13.00
To find out more about NSP membership visit :
First Aid Training NSP
- Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) = $60.00 (required for Candidates wanting to be Bike Patrollers)
- Outdoor First Care (OFC) = $25.00 (required for Candidates wanting to be Bike Hosts)
To learn more about any of the above first-aid courses offered by the NSP just click on the link and decide which one might work best for you.
- Basic Life Support / CPR / American Red Cross = $80.00 (price varies by location) 2 year certification
National Ski Patrol Membership does come with many benefits. Just to name a few:
- NSP Pro Deals Page (55+ Brands at 25-50% below retail)
- NSP Online Store (900 products at least 40% below retail)
- Ski Patrol Magazine
- Medical Rescue Training
- Outdoor Education
To find out more about all the benefits please visit
To find out more about NSP partners please visit
- NSP Bike Patrol Jersey = $80.00
- Poto Bike Patrol Jersey = $54.00
- Patrol Pack = Cost can vary and really comes down to personal decision on what works best for you. Lumbar packs, backpacks and hydration packs all work well, as long as you are able carry first-aid supplies and some tools to assist with trailside mechanicals.
*Bike Patrol Jersey choice is up to you, you do not need to have both.